Monday, February 1, 2010

nothing much.

i start my day, feeling so empty.
because my laptop couldnt work.
it states " fan error"
In rp, lesson is meaningless without a laptop.
lessons = facebook-ing/msn-ing/youtube-ing.
& at the end of the day if youre lucky, u get an A.

& there's a huge buzz in school of this couple's photo.
the girl was taking nude shots.
to me, its art lar kan.* kening naik2 *
& i heard that the girl was suspended.
i feel so sorry for her.
well, this is life, here in singapore.
rules are tight.

i'll be spending my day with my family today.
*major clap*
& ive got hell lots of photos to be uploaded.

u have the rest of me &now u deserve the best from me.
lets not care if its not fair.